Carolina Climate Control Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Air Conditioning System Repair’

Common Signs of AC Repair Needs to Watch for

Monday, May 13th, 2024

It’s completely normal to have an AC problem here or there that needs repair. The question is, how do you know the early signs of air conditioner repair needs? You can keep reading to learn more about some common signs to watch for that can indicate your air conditioner is struggling with operation.

Then give our team a call to schedule your appointment for AC repair in Charleston, SC. No matter what signs you are experiencing, our team can help by getting down to the root cause of the problem and fixing it so your air conditioner can operate at its best again.

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Top Warnings Signs of a Broken AC

Monday, June 12th, 2023

How can you tell if your AC has a malfunction? The easiest way is when the air conditioner won’t come on and send out any cool air. However, air conditioning systems rarely break down this abruptly. They often give earlier warning signs—some subtle, some less so.

If you know what to watch and listen for, you can head off a fully broken AC in Charleston, SC by calling our technicians. We’ll locate the problem with your cooling system before it really does fail on you and leave you broiling in your house in the middle of a hot summer day.

Let’s examine the main warning signs of an AC that’s heading for trouble.

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The Truth About Refrigerant: You Don’t Need Regular “Top-Offs”!

Monday, May 15th, 2023

There are many components that allow your air conditioning system to do its job. One of the essential elements is the refrigerant that moves from the compressor and through the two sets of indoor and outdoor coils. Without refrigerant, there isn’t cooling for your home.

This probably isn’t new information for you. But we find that most homeowners don’t know much more about refrigerant beyond the basics. This is why we sometimes hear questions like, “When will my AC run out of refrigerant?” and “When should I top-off the AC’s refrigerant?” 

Unfortunately, some less scrupulous people who pose as “HVAC technicians” often spread misinformation about air conditioners and refrigerant refills. We’re here to give you the truth that will help you understand your air conditioning in Mount Pleasant, SC.

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Let’s Review Common Warning Signs Your AC Need Repairs

Monday, May 1st, 2023

Summer is coming, and everyone is excited. One of the most thrilling moments of summer is when you first have to turn your air conditioning system on after many months of it laying dormant. Hearing the AC start up and then feeling cool air blowing from the vents is the signal that yes, it’s really summer!

We want you to continue to enjoy that feeling of cool air through summer. The best way to keep your AC reliable is to arrange for spring maintenance with our team. Once you’ve done that, you’ll want to pay attention to any signs that the AC is malfunctioning. The sooner you move to have air conditioning repairs in Summerville, SC, the less likely you’ll have a busted cooling system or an even bigger repair.

We’ll review the most common warnings that you need to call our technicians to check out and fix your AC.

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Why You Always Wants the Pros for HVAC Repairs

Monday, February 6th, 2023

“Hey, I’ll bet I can fix this myself.”

“My friend knows a guy who can repair that for you real cheap.”

These two phrases (or similar ones) have led the way to many DIY home projects. Sometimes they work out and cost far less than hiring a professional. Other times, they just don’t work out. There are some types of projects and jobs better suited to the professionals.

HVAC isn’t just better suited to the professionals. Only professionals should ever handle actual HVAC repair work. No matter how handy you think you are, no matter how many friends recommend their cousins or “some guy they know,” this should be left to experienced and licensed professionals only. Let’s go over the most important reasons why you should go with professionals for HVAC repair in Summerville, SC

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