Carolina Climate Control Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Heating System Installation’

Explaining the Magic of the Heat Pump

Monday, November 6th, 2023

Fall is a time when homeowners consider making upgrades to their heating system. If you’ve got a furnace that’s over 15 years old and you’re concerned about it making it through the coming winter, fall gives you a chance to arrange an appointment with our team to look at your options for a heating replacement.

One of those options is a heat pump. You may already know a bit about heat pumps, but we want to share with you why heat pumps have started to make news and jumped to the top of many people’s heating system lists. Using a heat pump in Charleston, SC isn’t the ideal choice for all homes, but if it’s right for your home, we want you to know about it!

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How Can a Heat Pump Work When It’s Cold Outside?

Monday, December 26th, 2022

This is the #1 question HVAC folks like us get when discussing the benefits of using heat pumps for year-round comfort. We fully understand why people are a bit confused when they hear that there’s a type of comfort system that uses refrigeration technology to provide heat. When they hear more details about how a heat pump delivers heat, they may feel more confused.

We’re going to walk you through this with a hypothetical dialogue between a potential customer and a technician. We’ll pinpoint the confusion and show you why we think heat pumps in Charleston, SC are often the best choice for home comfort.

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