Carolina Climate Control Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Charleston’

Strange Gas Furnace Noises to Listen For

Monday, January 9th, 2023

The best way to have your furnace repaired is to catch any problem as soon as possible, before it starts to hurt your family’s comfort or leads to additional problems. A complex and powerful piece of equipment like a gas furnace will suffer from a chain of malfunctions if a single malfunction, even a small one, goes unrepaired.

How can you early detect problems with your gas furnace? There are several signs you can watch for, but let’s focus on signs you can listen for. Odd sounds from a furnace are among the most common indications that it needs professional repairs.

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How Can a Heat Pump Work When It’s Cold Outside?

Monday, December 26th, 2022

This is the #1 question HVAC folks like us get when discussing the benefits of using heat pumps for year-round comfort. We fully understand why people are a bit confused when they hear that there’s a type of comfort system that uses refrigeration technology to provide heat. When they hear more details about how a heat pump delivers heat, they may feel more confused.

We’re going to walk you through this with a hypothetical dialogue between a potential customer and a technician. We’ll pinpoint the confusion and show you why we think heat pumps in Charleston, SC are often the best choice for home comfort.

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Here’s Why Your Heater Isn’t Evenly Warming Your House

Monday, December 12th, 2022

You have a central heating system in your house for a reason: to provide heat to all of the living space so your whole family stays warm. It’s much better than using a half dozen space heaters, right? Not to mention it’s much safer and energy efficient.

But you may run into a problem where your heater, which was once doing fine at its job, isn’t performing as well when it comes to heating the whole house. Some members of your family are complaining about their rooms getting too cold, and you’ve started to notice cool spots while the heater is running, even though other places in the house are plenty warm. For some reason, your heating system isn’t providing an even spread of heat. 

So what’s the reason? Let’s look at several possibilities.

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Reasons Your Furnace May Be Shutting Down Early

Monday, November 28th, 2022

When you turn on your furnace for the winter, you want it to heat your home so everyone is comfortable. In order for a furnace to do that, it has to run long enough to distribute heated air through the ventilation system to all the rooms.

But you’ve run into a problem: your furnace is shutting down too early, and the house isn’t getting the warmth your family needs. What’s happening? And what can you do about it?

You’ve come to the right place for answers!

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Do You Need a New Heating System Before Winter?

Monday, November 14th, 2022

You don’t want to head into the winter with a home heating system that might fail during one of the coldest days of the year. You may be stuck with a cold house while you arrange to get the broken heater replaced. But how can you tell that your current heater has come to the end of its service life so you can replace it?

The easiest way is to set the Moose Loose! We’re the experts at new heating installation in Charleston, SC and we can help you determine if your current heater is ready to go or if our repairs can keep it going effectively for several more years. We’ll always be honest with you about what’s best for your home.

You may still feel on the fence about your heater, so before you call us, we’ll go over some of the major signs to watch for that will warn you have a heater ready for retirement.

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Sign Up for the Moose Plan for Your Annual Heating Maintenance

Monday, October 17th, 2022

Fall means many different things to people. For us and our mascot Moose, fall means it’s time to get busy helping our customers tune-up their heating systems. This regular maintenance service is the best way to ensure a heater will sail through the winter with few troubles and work at peak efficiency. 

If you’re wondering if you really need maintenance for your heater this year, we’re here to convince you. Maintenance is great for your heater, your comfort, and your pocketbook, and we’ve put together a maintenance program—The Moose Plan!—that makes it an even better deal!

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