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Carolina Climate Control Blog

6 More Tips To Stay Cool In The Low Country During The Summer

For many residents in Charleston and the Low Country, summers mean beach time, vacations and more fun in the sun. While enjoying your time off and time in the sun is great, excessive exposure to heat can make us sick. Heat exhaustion, heat stroke, sore eyes and feet are some of the drawbacks of summers.

Last summer we identified a few ways you could beat the heat during the summer and to usher in a new summer, here are 6 more tips to help you keep cool.

Wear Loose Clothing

It’s recommended to wear loose clothing so that air can reach your body. It also makes easier to breathe. Wear light colors because darker shades absorb heat. Prefer to wear cotton as other synthetics can cause skin irritation in the summer heat.

Drink Plenty Of Water (And Avoid Caffeine & Alcohol)

Sweating is a natural and healthy body process. However, during the heat of the summer, we can become dehydrated quickly if water intake is not sufficient. Drink water frequently and use other cool drinks like pure fruit juices. Keep water bottles frozen in the refrigerators so that you can have a supply of cool water when you go outside. Remember, drinks containing caffeine and alcohol can also cause dehydration so avoid them as much as possible.

Bath/Shower Frequently

It is important that you take showers more frequently in summers. Some people prefer to take quick showers more than twice in a day if they can. Also, keep the temperature of the water cool or tepid. Showers also help get rid of bacteria caused by excessive sweating and keep you generally cooler.

Switch on the Fans

Don’t underestimate the power of a fan even if your home is air conditioned. Fans make air circulate quicker. They also help evaporate sweat faster. Install a fan near a basement opening if you have one. Basements are cooler so the fan will pull that air to the first floor. Invest in increasing the number of fans in your house to prevent summer heat. Small battery powered handheld fans are also preferred by many.


Windows let in a lot of hot air into the house. Many people use energy efficient windows that keep the heat outside. If your windows face the east or west, they are more likely to warm the house. For the short term, you can cover your windows with curtains or blinds. Choose curtains in light colours which reflect sunlight. Keeping the indoors shaded can make your house considerably cooler.

Air Conditioning Check

We said it last year, but we’ll say it again this year – make sure and have your air conditioning checked and if you need any ac repair it can be fixed before further damage occurs.

If you happen to need an air conditioning replacement, review our variable speed models ; you won’t be disappointed. 🙂

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